General Safety Tips

Check Feedback ⭐
Reading reviews helps ensure the seller is reliable. Previous buyers leave reviews to inform others about their experiences. Take a moment to check these reviews before making a deal. Whatever your experience, sharing it will benefit other buyers. Always check the “Feedback” section when dealing with a seller or service provider.

Avoid Sending Prepayments !!! ⛔
Arrange to meet sellers in a public place or request payment upon delivery. Inspect the quality and ensure it meets your expectations before making any payment.

Ensure the Inspected Item is the One You Receive !!! ✅
Inspect thoroughly and pay only when you have it in your possession. Don’t give scammers the chance to swap the item with something else.

Never Share Financial Information !!! ✋
Protect yourself from scams and frauds by avoiding fake payment services, fee requests, or requests to use money transfer services. Never share your PIN codes or passwords with anyone.

Use Common Sense !!!
Be wary of deals that seem too good to be true, such as unrealistically low prices or promises of quick money.